How it works


How it works 〰️

Just like the moon, we go through different phases every month.

moonchy bars moon phases

The moon cycle and the menstrual cycle are almost equal in length. An average female cycle lasts 28 days and consists of two phases: follicular and luteal. The first (follicular) phase starts with the first day of menstrual bleeding and ends with ovulation. The second (luteal) phase is the time between ovulation and the start of the next menstrual bleeding.

Phase​ 1 (Follicular)
Day 1 - 14

In the first phase of your cycle estrogen level increases as an egg prepares to be released. Micronutrients from both flax and pumpkin seeds naturally support your body during this process. In particular, lignans of which flax seeds are a great source, help reduce breast pain and clear the body of excess hormones. Both flax and pumpkin seeds are also rich in zinc and magnesium which help minimise period-related cramps and bleeding intensity as well as reduce menstrual migraines and boost your mood. These seeds are also a rich source of healthy fats: omega-3 and omega-6 which are essential for optimal hormone production and your overall health and beauty. 

Phase 2 (Luteal)
Day 15 - 28

The second phase of your cycle is progesterone-dominant. The body prepares for a possible pregnancy during this time. By eating sesame and sunflower seeds you take advantage of their rich nutrient profile and support the natural rhythm of this phase. Lignans present in sesame seeds help regulate your cycle and detoxify excess estrogen. Vitamin E found in sunflower seeds is an important antioxidant that promotes fertility and healthy progesterone levels, as well as makes your skin glow. Both types of seeds are also high in calcium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin B1 & B6 which help diminish various PMS symptoms, improve your mood and boost your overall health.

How to practise seed cycling?

Stick to a daily routine of eating a certain combination of four seeds throughout your cycle. Follow the infographic.

Step 1

Determine the phase of your cycle.

Are you unsure how to determine the phases of your cycle? Is your cycle irregular / you lost your period? Are you peri-menopausal / menopausal or pregnant / postpartum? Check out our FAQ page.

Step 2

Eat Moonchy bars for the respective phase daily.

Do you prefer to eat our bars every few days? No problem! Join our Moonchy Instagram Community for delicious and healthy recipes that make seed cycling easy.

Moonchy bars

Step 3

Create a new healthy daily routine.

Natural solutions aren’t a quick fix. Give your body time to find its natural balance and enjoy the benefits of healthy menstrual cycles. How soon will you start experiencing improvements? Check out our FAQ page.

The beneficial impact of seeds is backed up by science. Read more about the health benefits of each seed type.

Moonchy flax seeds
moonchy pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin Seeds

Flax Seeds

moonchy sunflower seeds
moonchy sesame seeds

Sunflower Seeds

Sesame Seeds

If you need more information go to our FAQ section.