Cycle syncing - hack your menstrual cycle

We are cyclical in nature.

Just like the moon we follow different phases each month and this is caused by the hormone fluctuations.

These monthly hormone changes influence nearly every aspect of life: mood, the way of thinking, energy levels, appetite, social skills, metabolism, attractiveness, libido, etc.

Cycle syncing is a way to honour this cyclical nature. It is a practice of aligning  a diet, an exercising routine and a working style with the different phases of the cycle.

This way, you give your body and mind the support they need, instead of pushing yourself to perform at the same high level every single day.


Get to know your cycle.

Everyone is unique and needs an individualised approach.

That’s why you shouldn't follow a certain pattern but should rather understand YOUR OWN cycle and tune into it.

Start tracking your cycle. Start listening to your body.

Take notes of what is happening in your body and mind at different times of the cycle. Ask yourself what foods you’re craving, what your energy levels are like, etc.

Practice mindfulness and give your body the respect and attention it deserves.

Use the strengths of each phase.

Take a different perspective. Rather than treating menstrual cycle as a burden, think of it as a hormonal energy you can leverage everyday, just differently.

With the rising oestrogen levels in the first half of the cycle, you can experience higher energy levels, better social skills, increased verbal fluency and more creative ideas in your mind. This is because oestrogen increases number of serotonin receptors in the brain as well as affects hippocampus and amygdala - brain regions responsible for social abilities.

In the second half of the cycle, we tend to be more reflective and analytical because of the progesterone's calming effect and a stronger connection between both hemispheres at that time.


Nourish your body according to its different needs throughout the cycle.

During menstruation focus on iron and zinc rich foods to help compensate for the loss of blood and drop in energy. Increase also the intake of anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric, ginger and cinnamon to reduce period cramps and other menstrual symptoms.

Before ovulation, eat more high fibre foods, leafy greens and cruciferous veggies which will help your body metabolise oestrogen. Look also for foods rich in healthy fats to nourish the growing follicles.

In the second half of the cycle you have a slightly higher metabolic rate - you can eat 100 - 300 more kcal. But choose wisely, focus on foods high in tryptophan, B vitamins and magnesium which can help stabilise mood and manage PMS.


Introduce seed cycling.

Seed cycling is a daily routine of eating certain seeds to regulate and improve the menstrual cycle and reduce its uncomfortable symptoms.

Flax and pumpkin seeds in the first half of the cycle and sesame and sunflower seeds in the second half of your cycle.

Seeds are full of micronutrients that support your body in restoring and maintaining its natural hormonal balance at different phases of your cycle.

Learn more about seed cycling here.

Moonchy Bars are based on the seed cycling practice. They contain the exact quantities of organic seeds needed daily to practice seed cycling :)


Celebrate your cycle.

Nowadays, the highly stressful pace of life separates us from nature and brings our bodies into imbalance.

Stress and other negative emotions have damaging effects on the hormonal balance and overall health.

Take care of yourself both mentally and physically.

Slow down and celebrate your cycle every day. Find something that makes you happy and more connected.

Just be good to yourself ❤︎

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