Learn why you need more cacao / chocolate in your life.

Cacao supports weight control / weight loss.
Surprisingly, frequent chocolate consumption can be helpful in achieving weight loss or maintaining weight.
Population studies have found that higher frequency of chocolate intake is linked to a lower body mass index (BMI).
There are several possible mechanisms through which cacao helps control body weight.
Cacao flavonoids trigger metabolic events that reduce digestion and absorption of fats and carbohydrates and at the same time boost metabolism. Cacao promotes also “good” bacteria and reduces inflammation in the gut. Moreover, cacao can help increase satiety and reduce appetite.
Cacao prevents premature aging and improves skin.
Cacao is incredible for vibrant and healthy looking skin.
The study from 2006 has found that women who drank cacao had improved skin texture, hydration and microcirculation than those who didn’t.
This is thanks to cacao flavanols which positively influences facial wrinkles, elasticity and hydration. They namely increase blood flow to the skin’s surface this way promoting cell regeneration.
Moreover, polyphenol antioxidants found in cacao protect cells from premature destruction. This help prevent premature aging and keep us looking younger.
Cacao boosts mood, reduces stress and PMS.
The mood-enhancing effects of chocolate arise from the unique mix of chemicals it contains.
Anandamide and theobromine known as bliss molecules create feelings of pleasure.
Tryptophan converts to serotonin which is a natural mood stabiliser and PMS buster, since women with low serotonin levels are more likely to experience emotional PMS symptoms.
The positive effects on mood result also from cacao flavanols which help reduce stress and anxiety as well as induce calmness and contentment. Interestingly, frequent intake of chocolate by pregnant women is also linked to reduced stress and improved mood in babies.
Cacao increases libido and puts you “in the mood”.
Chocolate is not accidentally known as aphrodisiac.
It contains phenethylamine which triggers the release of endorphins and pleasurable opium-like neurochemicals. These often occur naturally when we are in love and during climax.
Cacao also contains tryptophan that converts to serotonin which is involved in the process of intimate stimulation by acting on vasocongestion of female genital tissues.
Cacao enhances mental performance.
Chocolate consumption can improve mental performance and decrease risk of neurodegenerative diseases.
This is thanks to cacao flavanols which accumulate in the brain regions responsible for learning and memory.
These flavanols improve blood flow to the brain, support the formation and functioning of neurons as well as protect neurons from destruction by free radicals.
Cacao improves blood sugar control.
Cacao flavanols help restore insulin sensitivity and improve blood sugar control by preventing inflammation in insulin-sensitive tissues and by slowing down carbohydrate digestion and absorption in the gut.
Controlling blood sugar can help women with PCOS get out of the metabolic chaos caused by PCOS and reduce the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.
Some related scientific research if you want to delve further into this subject.
Weight control
- Golomb, B. A., Koperski, S., & White, H. L. (2012). Association between more frequent chocolate consumption and lower body mass index. Archives of internal medicine, 172(6), 519–521. VIEW
- Cuenca-García, M., Ruiz, J. R., Ortega, F. B., Castillo, M. J., & HELENA study group (2014). Association between chocolate consumption and fatness in European adolescents. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.), 30(2), 236–239. VIEW
- Magrone, T., Russo, M. A., & Jirillo, E. (2017). Cocoa and Dark Chocolate Polyphenols: From Biology to Clinical Applications. Frontiers in immunology, 8, 677. VIEW
- Massolt, E. T., van Haard, P. M., Rehfeld, J. F., Posthuma, E. F., van der Veer, E., & Schweitzer, D. H. (2010). Appetite suppression through smelling of dark chocolate correlates with changes in ghrelin in young women. Regulatory peptides, 161(1-3), 81–86. VIEW
- Matsui, N., Ito, R., Nishimura, E., Yoshikawa, M., Kato, M., Kamei, M., Shibata, H., Matsumoto, I., Abe, K., & Hashizume, S. (2005). Ingested cocoa can prevent high-fat diet-induced obesity by regulating the expression of genes for fatty acid metabolism. Nutrition (Burbank, Los Angeles County, Calif.), 21(5), 594–601. VIEW
Skin health
- Yoon, H. S., Kim, J. R., Park, G. Y., Kim, J. E., Lee, D. H., Lee, K. W., & Chung, J. H. (2016). Cocoa Flavanol Supplementation Influences Skin Conditions of Photo-Aged Women: A 24-Week Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial. The Journal of nutrition, 146(1), 46–50. VIEW
- Heinrich, U., Neukam, K., Tronnier, H., Sies, H., & Stahl, W. (2006). Long-term ingestion of high flavanol cocoa provides photoprotection against UV-induced erythema and improves skin condition in women. The Journal of nutrition, 136(6), 1565–1569. VIEW
Mood, stress & PMS
- Räikkönen, K., Pesonen, A. K., Järvenpää, A. L., & Strandberg, T. E. (2004). Sweet babies: chocolate consumption during pregnancy and infant temperament at six months. Early human development, 76(2), 139–145. VIEW
- Parker, G., Parker, I., & Brotchie, H. (2006). Mood state effects of chocolate. Journal of affective disorders, 92(2-3), 149-159. VIEW
- De Araujo, Q. R., Gattward, J. N., Almoosawi, S., Silva, M. d., Dantas, P. A., & De Araujo Júnior, Q. R. (2016). Cocoa and Human Health: From Head to Foot--A Review. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 56(1), 1–12. VIEW
- Sokolov, A. N., Pavlova, M. A., Klosterhalfen, S., & Enck, P. (2013). Chocolate and the brain: neurobiological impact of cocoa flavanols on cognition and behavior. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 37(10 Pt 2), 2445–2453. VIEW
- Scholey, A., & Owen, L. (2013). Effects of chocolate on cognitive function and mood: a systematic review. Nutrition reviews, 71(10), 665–681. VIEW
- Becker, K., Geisler, S., Ueberall, F., Fuchs, D., & Gostner, J. M. (2013). Immunomodulatory properties of cacao extracts - potential consequences for medical applications. Frontiers in pharmacology, 4, 154. VIEW
- Sathyapalan, T., Beckett, S., Rigby, A. S., Mellor, D. D., & Atkin, S. L. (2010). High cocoa polyphenol rich chocolate may reduce the burden of the symptoms in chronic fatigue syndrome. Nutrition journal, 9, 55. VIEW
- Silva N. R. (2010). Chocolate consumption and effects on serotonin synthesis. Archives of internal medicine, 170(17), 1608–1609. VIEW
- Montagna, M. T., Diella, G., Triggiano, F., Caponio, G. R., De Giglio, O., Caggiano, G., Di Ciaula, A., & Portincasa, P. (2019). Chocolate, "Food of the Gods": History, Science, and Human Health. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(24), 4960. VIEW
- Salonia, A., Fabbri, F., Zanni, G., Scavini, M., Fantini, G. V., Briganti, A., Naspro, R., Parazzini, F., Gori, E., Rigatti, P., & Montorsi, F. (2006). Chocolate and women's sexual health: An intriguing correlation. The journal of sexual medicine, 3(3), 476–482. VIEW
Mental performance
- Sokolov, A. N., Pavlova, M. A., Klosterhalfen, S., & Enck, P. (2013). Chocolate and the brain: neurobiological impact of cocoa flavanols on cognition and behavior. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 37(10 Pt 2), 2445–2453. VIEW
- Nehlig A. (2013). The neuroprotective effects of cocoa flavanol and its influence on cognitive performance. British journal of clinical pharmacology, 75(3), 716–727. VIEW
- Field, D. T., Williams, C. M., & Butler, L. T. (2011). Consumption of cocoa flavanols results in an acute improvement in visual and cognitive functions. Physiology & behavior, 103(3-4), 255–260. VIEW
- Sorond, F. A., Lipsitz, L. A., Hollenberg, N. K., & Fisher, N. D. (2008). Cerebral blood flow response to flavanol-rich cocoa in healthy elderly humans. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment, 4(2), 433–440. VIEW
- Nurk, E., Refsum, H., Drevon, C. A., Tell, G. S., Nygaard, H. A., Engedal, K., & Smith, A. D. (2009). Intake of flavonoid-rich wine, tea, and chocolate by elderly men and women is associated with better cognitive test performance. The Journal of nutrition, 139(1), 120–127. VIEW
Blood sugar control
- Martin, M. Á., Goya, L., & Ramos, S. (2016). Antidiabetic actions of cocoa flavanols. Molecular nutrition & food research, 60(8), 1756–1769. VIEW
- Ramos, S., Martín, M. A., & Goya, L. (2017). Effects of Cocoa Antioxidants in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 6(4), 84. VIEW
- Maskarinec, G., Jacobs, S., Shvetsov, Y., Boushey, C. J., Setiawan, V. W., Kolonel, L. N., Haiman, C. A., & Le Marchand, L. (2019). Intake of cocoa products and risk of type-2 diabetes: the multiethnic cohort. European journal of clinical nutrition, 73(5), 671–678. VIEW
- Dong, J. Y., Kimura, T., Ikehara, S., Cui, M., Kawanishi, Y., Yamagishi, K., Ueda, K., Iso, H., & Japan Environment and Children’s Study Group (2019). Chocolate consumption and risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: the Japan Environment and Children's Study. The British journal of nutrition, 122(8), 936–941. VIEW